How To Plan A Wedding: Where The Hell Do We Start? | Kim Williams Weddings

As a Brighton Wedding Photographer I have seen my fair share of unique, alternative and wonderful weddings. However, planning the whole thing, although very exciting, can be stressful too. Trying to realise your own vision and listening to a mountain of (well-intentioned) advice from all sides, whilst simultaneously juggling a budget and figuring out how to plan a wedding day (something that you are likely doing for the first and last time in your life) is, well, challenging…. That’s why I have created a ‘how to plan a wedding’ series to help navigate you through the wedding to-do list. 

Stay Present

With all these big and small stepping stones approaching your one big day, it’s easy to lose sight of how precious the here and now is. That’s why you should make every effort to celebrate every milestone, every get-together, every milestone. Alternative wedding photography captures the love and heart you pour into planning your big day, so be present and enjoy the process! 

Share The Load (just like Samwise)

Delegating tasks leaves you with more time to enjoy and focus on the top priorities of your to-do list. I had the pleasure of working with Ana and Pip and producing their beautiful idea of alternative wedding photography (check out this blog). They asked their friends & family to pitch in with the decorations and ceremony. Your chosen people will love getting any opportunity to celebrate and help you, so don’t be shy to ask! Remember, you are a team, that’s why you’re getting married. 

Set Boundaries (Be Strong!)

This should be a no-brainer, shouldn’t it? You’d be surprised at how many couples long for an intimate wedding day, only to find that their invitation list keeps growing. Your friends want to bring new partners you’ve barely met, someone expects you to invite all those very distant family members, and their cousins you’ve literally never spoken to… stop! You have absolutely every authority to only invite people you know and know you will be truly happy to see once the day rolls around. Juliet & David are a perfect example of this (check out their blog: Brighton Wedding Photography).

Focus On What’s Really Important 

When something doesn’t go quite as planned, try to take a deep breath, ground yourself and lean on each other. You have decided to spend your life together and, with that one important thought in mind, most incidents truly aren’t that big of a deal. You got this! 

Be inclusive!

Be the change that you want to see. Try to make active decisions on suppliers you choose that represent the values you stand for. Rebel Love Club have made a glorious directory that helps you find suppliers from the LGBTQ+ community.


How To Plan A Wedding: The Engagement Shoot | Kim Williams Weddings


Colourful, FUN, alternative wedding photography in Sussex | Kim Williams Weddings